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Appropriate Ways To Do Belly Dance Lessons

Belly dancing is one form of dance that can make anyone have fun and enjoyment with every step that they execute. It became popular to bring many advantages and benefits to the body and mind. It is the reason why people are enrolling to different belly dance lessons around the world. However, other people are having a hard time because they do not do the correct ways that are needed when belly dancing. To help you out, below are some ways that can make your belly dancing be easier and safer.

Do some stretching

Even though belly dancing is not really a form of exercise but a form of dance, you still need to do some stretching that can prevent straining your muscles and also prevent you from having injury. You might feel that you are lazy to do this but do not think to skip this step because this can make your body still feel good even though you do some complicated belly dance steps. You can start doing stretches by bending down your body to touch your toes. Rolling your shoulders and neck can also help to prevent straining your muscles on those parts.

In addition, make sure that your wrists feel nice and loose by stretching it. Remember that when doing belly dance lessons, almost all parts of your body needs to be moved and shake, it is the reason why stretching every part is very important and essential. Doing backbend can also help stretch the muscles in your stomach, which most steps is required to move it. Be free to look at yourself in the mirror while doing this to ensure that you are doing the correct way. Keep in mind that even if you are doing belly dance for a long time, stretching is still essential. Doing some stretches are not only for beginners but for everyone.

Feel the music

The best way to execute bell dance steps is to feel the music. Most belly dance class in Singapore uses different types of music that has a strong repetitive base that can make people get in the right frame of their minds. This will result for the belly dancers to feel the music and let their bodies go with the flow of what the music can make them feel. The popular types of music that are often used in different belly dance Singapore lessons are the Middle Eastern music and the Arabic music.

The Middle Eastern music has musical cues that will let you know when to execute the movements that are flowing and graceful, and when to execute movements that are earthy. These musical cues can also make you understand the rhythms that will make it easier for you to go with the beat and avoid your from executing steps earlier or make you left behind. The Middle Eastern music can also make you appreciate belly dance Singapore. It is a great way to be familiar with the music if you still play it even if you are doing other things.

Master the techniques

As weeks or months passed, you will observe that the steps that your instructors are teaching you can be harder and more complicated. It is normal to feel confused, but you should do something to conquer it. You can ask your instructor to help you figure the steps that you are having trouble with. In this way, you can easily understand what to do and you will know on how to execute it. Also, do not pressure yourself to master everything in a short period of time. Master each technique one by one and do not force your body when you feel you are getting too much.

If you are having problems executing some steps, you can practice at home and figure what is wrong with your movements and how you can make it right. Do not hesitate to watch the videos you recorded during your belly dance class in Singapore or watch other videos over the internet that can help you. Remember that you can master the techniques little by little by practicing and doing your best.

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